Smallpox disease or so-called 'Herpes' by the medical community is a skin inflammatory disease characterized by the formation of bubbles of water in groups. Chickenpox or Herpes diseases have 2 kinds of classes, and Genetalis Herpes Herpes Zoster.
Genetalis herpes is an infection or inflammation (bubble blister) on the skin especially dibagian genital (vagina, penis, including dipintu rectal / anus and the buttocks and groin / groin) is caused by herpes simplex virus (VHS), The Herpes Zoster or by another name ' shingles' is a skin infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus that causes bubbles in the liquid almost the entire body.
Herpes zoster infection is also said to the skin disease which is a continuation of the chickenpox (chicken pox) because of a virus that attacks are the same, only difference with the chicken pox. Herpes zoster has a characteristic smallpox larger bubbles and clusters in certain parts of the body, can in the back, forehead or chest.
How Smallpox Disease Transmission (Herpes)
In general, all types of herpes can be transmitted through direct contact. However, in herpes zoster, as was the case of smallpox (chickenpox), the process of transmission can be through sneezing, coughing, contaminated clothing and touch up bubbles / blisters that burst. Genital herpes disease (genetalia), transmission occurs through sexual behavior. Herpes genetalis so this disease often suffer from dibagian mouth oral sex. The symptoms will arise in the period 7-21 days after a person is in contact (infected) varicella-zoster virus.
Someone who has had chicken pox and then recovered, the virus is not 100% lost from the body, but hiding in the dorsal ganglion cells sensory nervous system of patients. When the immune system (immune) weakened, the virus will re-attack in the form of herpes zoster which caused symptoms similar to chickenpox disease (chickenpox). For someone who had never had chicken pox, if attacked by varicella-zoster virus is not directly experienced herpes zoster but had chicken pox first.
Signs and Symptoms of Smallpox disease (herpes)
Signs and symptoms caused by the herpes virus attacks in general are fever, chills, shortness of breath, pain or sore dipersendian in one section collapsed, the appearance of reddish spots on the skin that eventually form a bubble liquid. Other complaints that patients are sometimes perceived abdominal pain.
Handling and Treatment Diseases Smallpox (Herpes)
In people with smallpox are the most important thing is to keep the bubble does not burst so that the liquid does not leave a mark and become the entrance for other bacteria (secondary infection), among others, by giving a talcum powder to help lubricate the skin. If the patient can not stand the cold conditions it is recommended not to bathe, because it can lead to shock.
The drugs given to people with smallpox is intended to reduce the symptoms of existing complaints such as pain and fever, such as paracetamol given. Giving Acyclovir tablets (Desciclovir, famciclovir, valacyclovir, and penciclovir) as an antiviral aims to reduce fever, pain, complications and the inability to protect a person from the immune system against the herpes virus. We recommend Acyclovir medication during the emergence of pain or burning feeling on the skin, do not need to wait for the emergence of a bubble of fluid (blisters).
In a serious condition in which someone immune system is very weak, small-pox disease (herpes) should get treatment terapy intravenous (IV) Acyclovir. In an effort to prevent a person should get the varicella-zoster vaccine immunization. In healthy children age 1 - 12 years is given only once. Imunasasi be given once again at puberty to establish immunity to 60% - 80%. After that, to improve it, give immunizations once again as adults. This acquired immunity can last up to 10 years.
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