Sunday, November 22, 2009

The disease Tuberculosis (TB)

TB disease is a disease belonging to the infections caused by bacteria Mikobakterium tuberculosis. TB disease can strike at anyone not excluding men, women, old, young, rich and poor and anywhere. In Indonesia in particular, this disease continues to grow each year and currently reaches 250 million new cases of which caused 140,000 deaths. Even Indonesia, the world's third largest country in the world in this TB problem.

Cause Disease (TB)

TB disease is caused by bacteria Mikobakterium tuberculosis, bacteria are rod-shaped and thus are resistant acid is also known as Acid Resistant Trunk (BTA). This bacteria was first discovered by a man named Robert Koch on March 24, 1882, to commemorate his services then the bacterium bacillus named Koch. Even TBCpada disease lung was also known as Koch Pulmonum (KP).

How to TB Disease Transmission

TB disease transmission is through contaminated air by tuberculosis Mikobakterium released / issued by the TB patient during coughing, which in children is generally the source of infection comes from adults who suffered from tuberculosis. These bacteria enter the lungs and come together to develop into many (especially in people with low immunity), even these bacteria could also have spread through the blood vessels or lymph nodes, causing terinfeksinya other organs such as brain, kidney , gastrointestinal tract, bone, lymph nodes and the other that although most of the pulmonary organs.

The entry into the organ Mikobakterium pulmonary tuberculosis cause infection in the lungs, which occurred immediately the growth of bacteria colonies round (globular). With immunological reaction, the cells in the lung wall to prevent the TB bacteria is through the mechanism of scar tissue forming alamianya. As a result the TB bacteria will stay / rest (dormant) as they appear as tubercles on the X-ray examination or X-ray photo.

Someone with the condition of the immune (Immune) is good, these tubercles form will remain dormant throughout his life. Another thing to people who have the lower body kekebelan system or less, these bacteria will experience increased proliferation of so many tubercles. Tubercles so that many of these come together to form a cavity in the lung, this space will become a source of sputum production (ripple / phlegm). As for the lung cavity and found to produce sputum tuberculosis microbe called tubercles are experiencing growth and positive tuberculosis infection.

Development of TB disease in Indonesia was not related to other socio-economic deterioration, non optimal public health service facilities, increasing the number of people homeless and the epidemic of HIV infection. It is also of course have a major influence of the immune system is weak / declining, virulence and the number of bacteria that plays an important role in the occurrence of TB infection.

Symptoms of TB Disease

Symptoms of TB disease is classified into two parts, namely general symptoms and specific symptoms. Difficult to detect and diagnosis are due to TB clinical picture of the person who is not typical, especially in new cases.

1. Common symptoms (Systemic)
- Not very high fever that lasted a long time, usually accompanied by night feeling the sweat tonight. Sometimes fever and influenza-like intermittent nature.
- Reduction of appetite and weight loss.
- Cough-cough for more than 3 weeks (can be accompanied by blood).
- Feeling bad (malaise), weakness.

2. Specific symptoms (Typical)
- Depending on which organs are affected, in case some of bronchial obstruction (the channel leading to the lungs) due to suppression of lymph nodes enlarged, make noise "send", the voice is accompanied by weakening breath shortness.
- If there dirongga pleural fluid (lung packaging), can be accompanied by chest pains.
- When the bone, there will be symptoms such as bone infection at some point may form channels and lead to the overlying skin, in this estuary will discharge pus.
- Among children can about the brain (the layer covering the brain) and referred to as meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain), the symptoms are high fever, a decrease in consciousness and seizures.

In patients age when children do not cause symptoms, so TB can be detected if you know any contact with adult TB patients. Approximately 30-50% of children in contact with adult pulmonary TB patient gives a positive tuberculin test results. In children aged 3 months - 5 years old who live with adult pulmonary TB patients with smear positive, 30% reported infection by serological examination / blood.

Enforcement diagnosis of TB

If a person suspected of suffering from or infected with TB disease, then there are some things that need to be checking for proper diagnosis memeberikan include:

- Anamnesa both to patients and their families.
- Direct physical examination.
- Laboratory tests (blood, phlegm, fluid of the brain).
- Examination of anatomic pathology (PA).
- X-ray chest (thorax photo).
- And the tuberculin test.

TB Disease Treatment

Treatment for patients with TB disease will undergo a long process, and it ranged from 6 months to 9 months or even more. TB disease can be cured completely if the patient regularly taking medicines given doctors and improve her endurance with good nutrition.

During the treatment process, to find a better development then advised the patient to undergo both tests blood, sputum, urine and X-ray or x-rays every 3 month. The drug is generally given obtan Isoniazid and rifampin are the basic treatment for patients with TB, but because of the possibility of resistance to both drugs your doctor will decide to give additional drugs such as Pyrazinamide and streptomycin sulfate or ethambutol HCL as a single entity known as' Triple Drug '.


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