Actually disease or health problems do not arise suddenly, but preceded by by a cause. If known at an early stage, of course, much easier to treat and prevent it extends far that can be fatal. Unfortunately not everyone is motivated to conduct inspections and early tracking, which is usually called general check up. Felt no need or financial reasons that often becomes an obstacle.
Even so actually you can check and track their own health problems that may exist, of course, roughly. If there is anything suspicious immediately to a doctor check you. Health interference so you do not get worse.
Here are a few ways to track the health problems of our own. Summarized the following:
* Heart and blood pressure. It is advisable to always check blood pressure and heart rate alone. Blood pressure can be known through examine or with a tool called Tensimeter simple enough. Ask your doctor or paramedic separately check your blood pressure when visiting health services. In normal circumstances the heart will beat slower. Before measuring the heart rate in the pulse, a pulse, sit quietly for 1 hour, then calculate the pulse at the wrist or neck and temple as well. Normal adult heart rate between 68 to 72 times per minute. For those who exercise regularly, these pulses could be lower. Dewsa person's blood pressure under the age of 40 years, normal is 120/80. Should not be less than this pressure or or more than 140/90. If below or above normal, there must be something wrong and immediately to the doctor.
* The inside of the mouth. The inside of the mouth such as teeth, gums, tongue, throat, also Pelu examined. To examine the throat, pegunakan flashlight in his mouth, then look in the mirror. To be clear, press your tongue using a spoon. You can see the upper throat that looks like pillared bertonsil-pillar. Then lower your bottom lip, compared with throat color. Both should be blood red, meaning inflamed throat, so they require a doctor to treat it. Check all your teeth, if there is a hollow, swollen gums and red blood, which means there is inflammation. Healthy gums are gums that look solid-colored, pink, and not bleeding. Stick out your tongue, if the tongue is pink or dark red, which means normal? If the color purple with an enlarged scratches and cracks on the mouth, the possibility of a deficiency of vitamin B complex and C.
* Sight and sound. To determine whether your eyesight good enough, close one eye in turn. If the vision was less clear, probably need a glass eye. Therefore, a doctor is required. Hearing the longer mangkin decreased. Hearing peak at age 18-25, and then gradually deteriorated. Dengingan sound and orderly discharge from the ear canal, ear infection menadakan that can interfere with hearing. For that a doctor is needed.
* Organ women especially for women, a lot of knowledge about semkin female organs means more alert in the event of changes that indicate the presence of danger. The existence of a clear white liquid coming out is often a normal thing. But if the discharge is accompanied by itching, smell or color change even yellowish or greenish frothy, indicating an infection in this organ. You should check yourself into the doctor. Similarly, menstrual discharge that is not normal, blood clots form, menstruation will not stop, or otherwise, immediately go to a gynecologist.
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