There are times when we had a bad day in the morning, feeling uncomfortable and cranky. Did you ever find the cause? According to research sleep deprivation and insomnia are usually caused frustration in adults. Difficulty sleeping at night can bring bad effect on health. Can also trigger depression. Causes of disturbed sleep on each person is different, but the study says the stress of work and financial problems make people more difficult to sleep. But you can overcome this difficulty sleeping problems. Follow these eight ways below and you'll wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.
1. Stop worrying. Worrying about the problems you face every day just to make you hard to close my eyes. If the concern is the cause, try to be more relaxed. Solve your problems and shorten the time of your insomnia. But if you're still having insomnia after overcoming the problem, you should go is to the doctor.
2. Avoid working out aga two hours before bedtime. Exercising before bedtime or two hours before bed will reduce the feeling of relaxation. You need to reduce your energy level, so do the activities that bring a sense of relaxed in the moments before sleep.
3. Avoid stimulation. Do not consume caffeine after late afternoon, avoiding alcohol and smoking, especially at bedtime. Should drink one cup of non-caffeine tea, chamomile tea is best for relaxing.
4. Create a comfort zone for sleep. Comfort zone moments before bed can be customized to your needs, such as cool room, bright and dark room, quiet or may also have to turn off electrical appliances. There are certain people who need total quiet to be able to sleep, so avoid a ticking clock in the room. Do not work, eat, watch TV and read in bed.
5. Drink some water at night. Many drinks will make you have to go pee. Certainly not fun in the middle of deep sleep you suddenly get the urge to use the bathroom. If necessary, to drink a cup of tea or a half glass of water before bed.
6. Sleep is only at bedtime. Long sleep during the day will only change the normal cycles of your sleep schedule. Avoid excessive napping in order to sleep soundly at night.
7. Make the bedroom a comfortable place. You can get rid of the worry as she climbed into bed. Use the afternoon to think about all the problems. If indeed you need to write down any problems you think, do outside the bedroom. Make the bedroom as a place farthest from worry. If you need to write the rules and stick on the wall so that you always remember. Before climbing into bed, say it out loud to not think of anything that makes you feel uneasy.
8. Away. If 15 minutes pass and you still can not sleep, leave the room and do something that makes you feel relaxed. Warm bath, read a book or do perenggangan can help overcome this moment. After 20 or 30 minutes you can go back to bed. If it still does not work, repeat this activity.
Sleep enough and sleep is needed to make you feel refreshed. With fresh thoughts and feelings, guaranteed you'll be able to do any activity better. Good luck
Friday, November 27, 2009
Overcome Insomnia, Facilitate Activities
Facilitate Activities,
Overcome Insomnia
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