Sunday, November 22, 2009


High blood disease or hypertension (Hypertension) is a condition in which one experienced an increase in blood pressure above normal indicated by the numbers systolic (upper) and lower number (diastolic) blood pressure on blood tests used to measure blood pressure cuff in the form of either water mercury (Sphygmomanometer) or other digital devices.

Normal value one's blood pressure with height, weight, normal activity levels and general health was 120/80 mmHg. In daily activities, normal blood pressure is stable range of values. But in general, the numbers decreased blood pressure during sleep and increases at a time when activity or exercise.

If someone has high blood pressure and did not get the treatment and control on a regular basis (routine), then this can bring the patient into serious cases can even cause death. High blood pressure which causes the heart continuing to work extra hard one, this condition ultimately resulted in the occurrence of damage to heart blood vessels, kidneys, brain and eyes. Hypertension disease is a common cause of stroke and heart attack (Heart attack).

High blood disease or hypertension is known as type 2 classification, including hypertension Primary and Secondary Hypertension:

Hypertension Primary
Primary hypertension is a condition in which the occurrence of high blood pressure as a result of the impact of one's lifestyle and environmental factors. Someone who is not a controlled diet and lead to being overweight or even obese, is an early trigger for the disease high blood pressure. Similarly, someone who is in the environment or the high stressor condition most likely exposed to high blood pressure disease, including people who are lack of exercise can have high blood pressure.

Hypertension Secondary
Secondary hypertension is a condition in which the occurrence of high blood pressure as a result of someone experiencing / suffering from other diseases such as heart failure, kidney failure, or damage the hormone system of the body. While the mother was pregnant, blood pressure generally increases with the age of 20 weeks of pregnancy. Especially in women whose weight is above normal or obese (fat).

Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), this is a name in terms of health (medical) for pregnant women who suffer from hypertension. Conditions Hypertension in pregnant women are or can be tergolang severe / dangerous, a pregnant mother with high blood pressure can experience the days of her pregnancy was preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia is a condition of a pregnant woman who has hypertension, so that complaints such as feeling dizzy, headaches, vision disturbances, abdominal pain, swollen face, loss of appetite, nausea and even vomiting. In the event of seizures as a result of hypertension is called Eclamsia.

1. Causes Hypertension
The use of drugs such as corticosteroids group (cortison) and some hormone drugs, including some anti-inflammatory drugs (anti-inflammasi) is continuously (often) can increase a person's blood pressure. Smoking is also one of the factors causing the increase in high blood pressure because tobacco contains nicotine. Beverages containing alcohol are also included one of the factors that can cause high blood pressure. Stop the alcoholic!

2. Treatment and Treatment Hypertension

a. Diet High Blood Diseases (Hypertension)
Gynecology salt (Sodium / Sodium)
Someone who developed high blood diseases should be in control of salt-pickled consume salt, there are a few tips that can be done to control dietary sodium / sodium this;
- Do not put salt on the dinner table
- Select the number of low sodium content when buying food
- Limit consumption of meat and cheese
- Avoid salty snacks, salty
- Reduce consumption of sauces generally contain sodium

Ingredients Potassium / Potassium
Suplements potassium 2-4 grams per day can help decrease blood pressure, potassium is generally found in several stout fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain potassium and good for the consumption of high blood pressure include watermelons, avocados, melons, fruit pare, squash, bligo, machete pumpkin / squash, cucumber, aloe vera, celery, onion and garlic. In addition, foods containing omega-3 ingredient known Sagat effective in helping to decrease blood pressure (hypertension).

Treatment of hypertension is usually combined with some drugs;
- (Diuretic Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets (HCT), Lasix (furosemide)). Hypertension is a class of drugs with the discharge process of the body via the urine. But since potassium is likely to lose in liquid urine, then controlling the consumption of potassium should be done.

- Beta-blockers (atenolol (Tenorim), Capoten (captopril)). Is a drug used in an effort to control blood pressure by slowing the heart and widen (vasodilatation) of blood vessels.

- Calcium channel blockers (Norvasc (amlopidine), Angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE)). Is one commonly used drug in controlling high blood pressure or hypertension through the blood vessel relaxation process which also widens the blood vessels.


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