Friday, November 27, 2009

Healthy Tips With Reduced Sugar

A study in mice provide scientific evidence as it has been known to dieters, the sugar can cause addiction.
"Eating too much sugar can cause the brain to behave very similar to conditions during drug abuse," according to Bart Hoebel, a character from Princeton University in New Jersey, who has presented his findings at a meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.

He said excessive consumption of sugar water has been created and even behavioral changes or neurochemical neurochemical substances (organic molecules that are involved in nervous system activity) in rats that resemble changes when

"These animals showed signs of withdrawal and continued long-term effects similar to the signs of addiction," Hoebel said in a telephone interview. In one experiment, rats were given sugar water to drink after fasting all night for three consecutive weeks, or those taking turut.hewan substances abused.

"What we found is that giving sugar water and then release wave (in the brain chemical) dopamine (a chemical in the brain cells, a type of neurotransmitter or substances that convey messages from one nerve to another nerve). This substance is part of the brain associated with motivation and reward, the nucleus accumbens, "says Hoebel.

"It has long been known that drugs are misused or increase release of dopamine levels in the brain. Here, the sugar doing an ordinary thing done by the drugs abused, "he continued.

He said this seems not about the sugar itself, but the behavior is too much to eat sugar that has impact.

In another experiment, the rats ate through this way and then cutting off sugar for a few weeks. When they were allowed to eat sugar anymore, they consume more than before.
"This is almost the same when they are addicted to sugar," he continued.

When the team Hoebel gave alcohol to the rats as a substitute for sugar water, rats were given sugar water to drink alcohol more than the normal limit. And they also show signs of hyperactive behavior when given a normal dose of amphetamine (a substance that is psikostimulansia, drug abuse will cause mental and behavioral disorders) are not dangerous.

We do not yet know the effect on humans, said Hoebel.

"The bottom line is any link between substance abuse which traditionally is defined as a deviation such as drug addiction and the development of abnormal desire on natural substances, in this case is sugar," he said.

He said that this conclusion may have implications for humans who have irregular eating patterns, such as excessive eating or bulimia (eating disorder behavior, namely eating excessive amounts are then brings back food that had been swallowed).

Melanie Miller, a spokesman for the woman to the Sugar Association, the United Sugar from a industry group, said that until now there is no convincing evidence that sugar causes addiction in humans.

This study was supported by the National Institute of Drug Abuse and National Institute of Mental Health.


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