Sunday, November 22, 2009

Disease Mumps (Mumps or Parotitis)

Disease Mumps (Mumps or Parotitis) is an infectious disease where someone infected by the virus (Paramyxovirus) that attacks the salivary glands (parotid glands) in the ear and the jaw that causes swelling in the upper neck or lower cheeks.

Mumps disease spread throughout the world and can occur in endemic or epidemic, this disorder tends to attack children aged 2-12 years. In adults, these infections can attack the testes (testicles), central nervous system, pancreas, prostate, breast and other organs.

As for those who are at greater risk for suffering from or infected with this disease are those who use or consume certain medicines to suppress the thyroid hormones and their iodine deficiency in the body.

Infection Disease Mumps

Disease Mumps (Mumps or Parotitis) spread of the virus can be transmitted through direct contact, spray saliva, vomit material, perhaps with urine. The virus can be found in the urine from the first day until the fourteenth day after the enlargement of the gland.

Mumps disease is very rare in children younger than 2 years, it is because generally they still have or protected by a good antibody. Someone who had mumps disease, then he will have lifelong immunity.

Signs and Symptoms of Mumps Disease

Not all people infected by the virus Paramyxovirus have complaints, even about 30-40% of patients showed no signs of illness (subclinical). However, the same as those other patients who experienced a complaint, which can be a source of disease transmission.

Early bud (incubation period) Mumps disease approximately 12-24 days with an average of 17-18 days. The signs and symptoms that arise after infection and the development period can be described sdebagai shoots the following:

In the early stages (1-2 days) Mumps sufferers have symptoms: fever (body temperature 38.5 - 40 degrees Celsius), headaches, muscle pain, loss of appetite, jaw pain when chewing on the back and is sometimes accompanied by stiff jaw (hard to open my mouth ).

Next happen swollen glands under the ears (parotid) that begins with the swelling of one side of the gland and then the two have swollen glands.

Swelling usually lasts about 3 days and then gradually deflated.

Sometimes swelling of the glands under the jaw (submandibula) and the glands under the tongue (sublingual). In the male manhood adalanya scrotal swelling (testes) due to the spread through the bloodstream.

Diagnosis Disease Mumps (Mumps or Parotitis)

The diagnosis is established when there is a clear symptom of infection in epidemika Parotitis pemeirksaan physical, including a description of contact with mumps patients (or Mumps Parotitis) 2-3 weeks earlier. Also is the act of checking urine laboratory results (urine) and blood.

Inspection Laboratory

In addition to leucopenia with relative limfosiotsis, also found an increase in serum amylase levels that reached a peak after one week and then became normal again in two weeks.

If the patient does not appear swollen glands under the ears, but other signs and symptoms of mumps disease leads to so dubious diagnoses. The doctor will give order to do further tests such as blood serum. There are at least 3 serum tests (serologic) to prove the specific mumps antibodies: antibodies Complement Fixation (CF), Hemagglutination inhibitor antibodies (HI), virus neutralizing antibodies (NT).

Complications Due to Illness Mumps

Almost all children who have mumps will recover the total without penyulit, but sometimes the symptoms come back worse after about 2 weeks. Things like this can cause complications, where the virus can invade organs other than salivary glands. This may happen especially if the infection occurs after puberty.

Below are complications that can occur due to handling or a lack of early treatment:

Orchitis; inflammation in one or both testes. Once cured, the affected testicle may be shrunken. Rarely testicular damage, causing permanent infertility.

Ovoritis: inflammation of one or both ovaries telus. Arising mild abdominal pain and rarely causes infertility.

Encephalitis or meningitis: inflammation of the brain or the lining of the brain. The symptoms of headache, stiff neck, drowsiness, coma or convulsions. 5-10% of patients had meningitis, and most will recover fully. 1 among patients who experienced 400-6000 prone enserfalitis brain or nerve damage is permanent, such as deafness or paralysis of facial muscles.

Pancreatitis: inflammation of the pancreas, can occur at the end of the first week. The patient felt nausea and vomiting accompanied by abdominal pain. These symptoms will disappear within 1 week and the patient will recover fully.

Kidney inflammation can cause sufferers out thick urine in significant amounts

Inflammation of the joints can cause pain in one or several joints.

Medicine Mumps

Treatment is aimed to reduce complaints (symptomatic) and rest for people with heat and glands (parotid) to swell. Can be used hot drugs and pain relievers (antipyretics and analgesics) such as Paracetamol and the like, should not be given aspirin to children because it has a risk of Reye's syndrome (The influence of aspirin in children).

In patients who experienced swelling of the testis, the patient should undergo a break tirah lying in bed. The pain can be relieved by ice packs on the swollen area of the testis. Meanwhile, patients who experienced virus attacks organs apada pancreas (pancreatitis), which cause symptoms of nausea and vomiting should be given intravenous fluids.

Giving corticosteroids for 2-4 days and 20 ml of gammaglobulin estimated Convalescent can prevent orchitis. Against the virus itself can not be influenced by the anti-microbial, so treatment is only oriented to relieve symptoms until the patient returned either by itself.

Mumps disease is classified in the "self-limiting disease" (yg disease recover without treatment). Mumps disease should avoid foods or beverages that acidic nature of pain is not getting worse, given a liquid diet and soft food.

If in the past mumps patients given blau (blue color for washing clothes), really it is clinically not relevant. Most likely only to children who Mumps disease is embarrassed when played out with his face covered in blau, so hope the child home to rest enough to help the healing process.

Prevention Mumps (Mumps / Parotitis)

Mumps vaccination is part of routine immunization in childhood, the immunization of MMR (mumps, morbili, rubella) given by injection at the age of 15 months.

MMR immunization can also be given to teenagers and adults who have not had Mumps. This immunizing effect was not apanas or other symptoms. Consume enough foods that contain iodine levels, can reduce the risk of mumps disease.


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